Executive Functioning

What is executive functioning?

Executive functioning refers to the cognitive processes that enable individuals to manage themselves and their resources when achieving goals. Essentially, executive functioning acts as the brain’s command center, helping individuals control their behaviors and emotions, solve problems, and make decisions.

What are some examples of executive functioning?

Executive functioning encompasses a variety of cognitive processes, including:

  • Organizing
  • Paying attention to and remembering details
  • Planning and strategizing
  • Self-regulation
  • Time management

Why is executive functioning important in learning?

Executive functioning is crucial for successful learning and academic achievement, as it directly impacts how students process information, follow instructions, and complete tasks. Students who struggle with executive functioning may find it challenging to prioritize assignments, maintain focus, or transition smoothly between different activities.

How does executive functioning relate to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

UDL is an educational framework that aims to create a learning environment that accommodates the needs of all students. By focusing on the “how” of learning, UDL seeks to support executive functioning skills — offering multiple means of engagement, representation, and action/expression. This flexibility helps students develop their executive functioning skills by providing opportunities to practice planning, organizing, and completing tasks in ways that work best for them.

How can educators support students with executive functioning challenges?

Instructors can support students by implementing strategies that align with UDL principles. Some effective methods include:

At Goodwin University, we’re at the forefront of bringing UDL to higher education — increasing accessibility to foster meaningful learning experiences for our students. Learn more about UDL at Goodwin today!

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