Rate My Professor
What is Rate My Professor?
Rate My Professor is a free web service that allows you to read and write reviews of professors. You can search for professors by school or by name. Using student-reported data, the website assigns professors a 1-5-star rating.
Why do students use Rate My Professor?
Rate My Professor is a popular tool used in course selection. When a course is offered by multiple professors, you can search the website to determine which professors’ instructional styles will best suit your needs. By reading student reviews, you can get a sense of each professor’s expectations and learn how other students felt about their teaching methods.
Rate My Professor is also an effective tool for helping other students. You can write reviews for your previous instructors and vote on the accuracy of other students’ ratings to give incoming students a comprehensive overview of your learning experience.
Will professors be able to read what I write?
Some professors use this website to gather student feedback and modify their teaching methods. However, your reviews are completely anonymous. When writing a review, you only need to indicate the specific course that you were enrolled in with a given professor.
Expert faculty at Goodwin University
Since 2016, Goodwin University has adopted Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a framework for teaching and learning. Our faculty is committed to using evidence-based teaching practices to address the needs of our learners. At Goodwin, we are invested in your success in and out of the classroom, starting with your relationships with your professors.
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- Financial aid is available, and we’re still accepting applications.
- You will find comprehensive support services that will get you through college and into a great career.
- We are veteran-friendly, and we understand and respect the needs of veteran students.
- If you want to transfer in credits, we can typically review your transcripts of prior learning in less than one business day.
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