What is an Accelerated Degree Program?

Accelerated degree programs are academic programs that allow students to complete their degrees earlier than average. Some accelerated degree programs are solely for undergraduate degrees, while others offer accelerated dual degrees — an undergraduate and advanced degree in the same subject.

How accelerated are accelerated degree programs?

Instead of a standard full semester (16 weeks) to complete, accelerated degree programs have classes that can be finished in around one month.

Accelerated degree programs typically have shorter class periods in five, eight, or ten-week sessions, yet courses may be longer in time than a typical class duration.

Overall, students can generally earn their accelerated degree in 12‑18 months, full-time, and up to 22 months, part-time.

What are the advantages of an accelerated degree program?

A few positives of an accelerated degree program include:

  • Many accelerated degree programs accept transferable credits from prior learning.
  • Some accelerated degree programs may offer “testing out” of competencies to focus on learning new material.
  • Flexible scheduling- often, accelerated degree programs are offered online or in a hybrid format.
  • Ideal for working professionals looking to earn a degree quickly.
  • Many accelerated degree programs offer year-round admission instead of only fall and spring enrollment.
  • With a quicker course load, students save money on tuition and student loans and enter the workforce faster.
  • Accelerated degree programs have less downtime between semesters, so there is no need to retrain your brain during school breaks or summer.
  • As a student enrolled in an accelerated degree program, this can be a resume booster, demonstrating your drive and determination to prospective employers.

Contact admissions to learn more about our degree programs that you can take at an accelerated pace.

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