What is a Disability-Friendly College in CT?

By law, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act protects students with disabilities in higher educational settings. Both acts assist disabled students fully integrating into colleges by ensuring their academic and social success through self-advocating accommodations.

What qualifies as a disability?

According to the ADA, a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Disabilities can limit opportunities in the community due to physical, social, attitudinal, and cultural barriers. A person with disabilities may have physical, sensory, psychological, developmental, learning, neurological, or other impairments.

What are the steps a student should take to self-advocate?

  • If you choose to do so, self-report your disability to the proper channel.
  • Professionals will observe or review your disability documentation.
  • Pending the results of your disability review, accommodations may or may not be granted.

What counts as an accommodation?

Accommodations include any modification or adjustment to a course, program, job, activity or facility to ensure your educational and social experience is on par with that of your peers. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Classroom note takers
  • Assistive technologies
  • Alternate format textbooks
  • Sign language interpreters
  • And testing accommodations
    • For example: breaks, extended test time, a dedicated quiet room, or a testing writer/ reader

For more information, please visit our Disability and Access Services page.

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