The Goodwin Institute for Learning Innovation
UDL tips
- Academic Emotions and Self-Regulated Learning
- Academic Integrity
- Balance Visual, Written, and Auditory Elements
- Challenge Learners with Authentic Assignments
- Choice Meets Academic Emotions
- Creating a Positive Student-Faculty Rapport
- Demonstrate Learning Through Choice
- Dual Coding
- Empower Learners Through Practice Opportunities
- Encourage Active Participation in Learners
- Encourage Self-Regulated Learning
- Ensure Learners Have a Clear Understanding of the Course
- Fostering Learning Agency
- Help Learners Set Goals for Help Learners Set Goals for
- Joyful Learning Experiences
- Incorporate Technologies to Improve Communication and Participation
- Mastery-Oriented Feedback
- Present Information to Learners in Multiple Formats
- Promote Individual and Collective Reflection
- Provide Prompt and Instructive Feedback
- Review and Summarize Key Points Throughout a Lecture
- Scaffolding
- Support Learners with Flexible Availability
- Transfer of Learning
- Utilize a Variety of Assessment Types
- Utilize Interactive Technologies