Goodwin University Universal Design for Learning Institute

Professional Learning at Goodwin

Institute Design

Goodwin’s UDL institute is grounded in features of effective job-embedded professional learning. Sustained and intensive, the Institute consists of eight, 3-hour face-to-face synchronous online sessions spread over 6-7 months, with each session connecting to the next to form an integrated whole. This design provides participants with multiple opportunities for exploration, application, and refinement of new and existing educational practices. Institute sessions are based on a flipped learning approach. Before each session, participants read, watch, review and engage with materials that will prepare them to participate in learning activities. The sessions are structured to actively engage participants in the content and make meaningful, clear, and direct links between topics covered and their day-to-day practice.

Goals of UDL Institute

The goals of the Goodwin University Universal Design for Learning (UDL; CAST, 2018) Institute are:

  1. to build participant’s knowledge and skills related to applying the UDL framework to the design and implementation of curriculum and instruction and
  2. to support students’ engagement in learning and mastery of learning outcomes (e.g., goal, objectives).

UDL is a scientifically valid framework grounded in social justice concepts such as inclusivity, fairness, and equity. Thoughtful application of UDL to teacher practice and the design of curriculum and instruction can afford all students not only equal access to information but also the same opportunities for success.

Institute participants

A structured application process is used to recruit a cohort of up to 15 teachers from various grade levels and content areas. The interdisciplinary cohort approach brings together multiple perspectives and sources of knowledge, adding depth and breadth to the learning experience. Accepted teachers commit to participate in and complete all activities, including:

  1. Engaging fully in eight, 3-hour workshops spaced over 6-7 months
  2. Completing all assigned pre-session learning activities before each synchronous session
  3. Completing all evaluation measures (e.g., online surveys, self-assessments)
  4. Identifying barriers to learning and revising curricular and instructional components to incorporate key features of UDL with the goal of reducing or removing identified barriers
  5. Engaging in self-assessment and peer-review of works produced
  6. Presenting a final project during a participant showcase

Session topics

Session 1 Institute Orientation and Overview 3 hours
Session 2 Leveraging UDL and Design Thinking 3 hours
Session 3 UDL Engagement 3 hours
Session 4 UDL Engagement Participant +1 UDL Solution Presentations 3 hours
Session 5 UDL Representation 3 hours
Session 6 UDL Representation Participant +1 UDL Solution Presentations 3 hours
Session 7 UDL Action and Expression 3 hours
Session 8 Participant Showcase +1 UDL Solution Stories Lightning Talks 3 hours

For more information about pricing and scheduling an institute for your organization, contact:

Headshot of Diana LaRocco
Diana J. LaRocco, Ed.D.