Pregnancy and Related Conditions

Title IX protects pregnant parents and those with related conditions from discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation, medical conditions related thereto, or recovery from any of these conditions.

Reasonable modifications

Goodwin will provide reasonable modifications to pregnant students and those with related conditions including, but not limited to:

  • Assistance with parking considerations
  • Communication and support for reasonable and appropriate breaks for standing, lactation, nursing, etc.
  • Providing support for one’s physical environment
  • Requesting an Incomplete in a course when applicable and appropriate

To speak with someone further about getting these modifications, please contact:

Molly Zatony
Disability and Access Services Manager
  • Phone860-727-6718
  • Email

Harassment and discrimination

The University prohibits harassment of students, faculty, or staff because of pregnancy or related conditions. Harassing conduct can take many forms, including verbal acts and name calling, graphic and written statements, and other conduct that may be humiliating, physically threatening, or harmful.

Particular actions that could constitute prohibited harassment include making sexual comments or jokes about an individual’s pregnancy, calling a pregnant/parenting individual sexually charged names, spreading rumors about the individual’s sexual activity, making sexual propositions, and more.

Discrimination may include, but is not limited to, preventing a pregnant or parenting individual opportunity or access to education or occupational programs or endeavors.

Individuals who experience harassment or discrimination due to pregnancy or parenting are encouraged to report the misconduct to the Title IX and Equity Coordinator.


  • The Pregnant Scholar initiative is the nation’s first and only legal resource center for pregnant students. They aim to create an educational system where no student is asked to choose between their education and their family.
  • Resource card

Office of Civil Rights Compliance: Title IX and Equity

Alden Minick
Director of Title IX and Equity Compliance
  • Phone860-727-6741
  • Email
Emily Cintorino
Title IX and Equity Coordinator
  • Phone860-913-2207
  • Email
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