Survivors of sexual assault and other types of discrimination have many different reactions. It is possible you may experience emotional shock, denial, nightmares, sleeplessness, flashbacks, changes in appetite, difficulty working and concentrating, and feelings of guilt, despair, depression, self-blame, or anger. Feeling overwhelmed is a common response. Survivors may:
- Feel ashamed
- Think that the pain will go away
- Not be sure if what happened was really sexual misconduct or discrimination.
- Believe they are responsible in some way.
For some survivors, feelings may vacillate between phases of feeling recovered and periods of distress and trauma.
It is important that you not isolate yourself and that you make a positive choice to spend time with people who believe you and support you. Spend time with people who can assist you and who can help you sort out what you need to do to take care of yourself.

Counseling can be helpful for survivors of sexual misconduct and discrimination. Counseling can provide information about symptoms and issues related to trauma. It can help you develop or reinforce coping skills to assist with emotional regulation, cognitive restructuring, relaxation, mindfulness, and stress and fear management. These skills can help survivors process the traumatic experience and resume successful personal, social, and academic functioning.
Goodwin Counseling and Wellness Center
Counseling services are available Monday through Friday and are free and confidential. To make an appointment, please contact .
If you or someone you know is struggling and thinking about suicide, please call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.