Instructional Design Information for Faculty
Canvas training
Basic Canvas training is offered to new instructors (adjunct and full-time faculty) as well as staff if their position requires Canvas knowledge. This asynchronous training allows the trainees to move at their own pace while learning more about the tools utilized in Canvas such as Gradebook, Quizzes/Exams, Discussion boards and Assessments among other topics. Advanced Canvas training modules are currently being developed by Instructional Design to allow faculty/staff to become expert users.
Course copies
Before the beginning of each semester, Instructional Design emails program and curriculum directors to inquire what courses they would like to utilize for the upcoming semester. Additionally, course copies can be requested at any time to update the specific MasterCourse to make it current. This type of course copy can be completed by completing the course redevelopment request form.
Course development and redevelopment
When developing or redeveloping courses for online, hybrid and sometimes on-ground delivery, the department of Instructional Design has trained instructional designers to assist with pedagogy and best practices in the delivery of courses. The designers are skilled at UDL and OER principles as well as utilizing various third party tools to create courses that are academically sound and contain the appropriate rigor for their academic level. Courses can be redeveloped or developed at any time throughout the year; However the department requires that it is not concurrent to the course running. To request a course development or redevelopment, complete the course redevelopment request form.
Internal video requests
Instructional Design has a dedicated media specialist to assist faculty and staff in the creation of videos for internal use only. This includes recording and editing video for posting in courses, speaker, forums and the like. A video request form needs to be completed and submitted with a month or more notice of the recording date.