Student Aid Index

What is the Student Aid Index?

Revised for the 2024-2025 academic year and onwards, the new Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) has streamlined the financial aid application process. The updated version of the FAFSA includes the Student Aid Index (SAI) as a revised method of determining your eligibility for federal aid. Before the SAI, the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) formula calculated your eligibility.

How is my SAI calculated?

Using a standardized index, the SAI determines your aid eligibility based on the information provided by your FAFSA. Factors like tax and untaxed income, assets, and benefits weigh into the calculation.

In what ways does the SAI differ from the EFC?

Unlike the EFC, the SAI does not factor in the number of children attending college in each family. This amendment is particularly impactful for nontraditional students, as it creates a more accurate assessment of your overall financial situation.

If my SAI is low, will I receive more aid?

A lower SAI indicates greater financial need. Using your SAI and the cost of attendance (COA) for your university, the financial aid office determines the amount and types of aid you qualify for.

Does a low SAI guarantee I’ll receive financial aid?

It’s important to note that your aid offer often depends on how quickly you submit your FAFSA. Although the deadline for submission is June 30th, the sooner you submit your application, the higher the likelihood you’ll receive the aid you need.

At Goodwin, we start with you. We believe your education should be flexible, accessible, and affordable. We offer comprehensive financial aid opportunities, including scholarships and grants that won’t require repayment, work-study positions that provide a steady paycheck, and student loans. Discover how Goodwin can help you crush your career goals without breaking the bank!

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