College Scholarships

scholarship applications in ct

What is a scholarship?

A scholarship is a need or merit based type of financial aid that helps offset the costs associated with higher education. Unlike other types of financial aid, scholarships are gifts and do not need to be repaid.

Scholarships for college students

Scholarships come from a variety of sources including employers, companies, nonprofits, and other private and public organizations.

How to apply for scholarships

Students are encouraged to find and apply for as many scholarships as they can. Although eligibility requirements differ from one scholarship to the next, there are some general guidelines for success when it comes to securing as much scholarship aid as possible:

  • Begin researching scholarships early
  • Stay organized and keep track of application deadlines
  • Be sure to read applications thoroughly and submit all the necessary information

Learn more about how to find and apply for scholarships, additional scholarship opportunities, and scholarship websites.

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