AWS Certified Welder Test

What is the AWS Certified Welder Test?

The AWS Certified Welder Test is a performance-based test administered by the American Welding Society®. It is designed to provide “transferable” credentials to professional welders who have demonstrated a skill level desired by the industry.

What skills will I be tested on?

The AWS Certified Welder Test examines your ability to properly conduct procedures used in the structural steel, petroleum pipeline, sheet metal, and chemical refinery welding industries. On the day of your test, you will perform a sound weld, which will then be inspected by an AWS Certified Welding Inspector. You will be evaluated based on your ability to properly adhere to the Welding Procedure Specifications, including fit-up, assembly, and positioning.

Why should I take the AWS Certified Welder Test?

Getting your certification as a welder shows prospective employers that you are a serious professional and a valuable member of any team. With a certification, you’ll become a highly sought-after job candidate. The AWS certification demonstrates to employers that you have advanced your welding skills — setting you apart from others in your field.

How long does the AWS certification last?

The certification is valid over the lifespan of your career, as long as you submit your Certification Maintenance Form every six months. This verifies that you are still performing the same level of welding you originally tested for.

Learn more about Goodwin University’s Welding certificate program today!

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