Transfer Students

Portfolio assessment

Goodwin University appreciates that many times The University-level learning we have gained in our life did not always come out of the classroom. When credit-by-exam is not an option then portfolio assessment may be the right option for you.

The University is a member of The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and all portfolios are developed and evaluated by Goodwin faculty according to CAEL standards.

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is either a paper or electronic book that describes and documents your learning for the purpose of fulfilling a course requirement. In other words it provides evidence of what you know and can do to demonstrate that you do not need to take the course at Goodwin because you already have the competencies that the course would give you. A typical portfolio contains: an introduction, resume, credit request summary, and learning descriptions, letters on your behalf, and work examples.

Is portfolio assessment right for me?

Determine if your life experiences equate to college-level learning by asking yourself:

  • Are my knowledge and skills related to a subject taught at Goodwin University?
  • Can I apply my learning to situations other than the one in which it was learned?
  • Can my learning be verified by a qualified person (e.g., would an expert in the field write me a letter)?
  • Do I have examples or documentation that I could include in a portfolio to help the faculty reviewers assess the breadth and depth of my knowledge and skills?
  • Have you discussed portfolio with your Academic Advisor or Program Director/Department Chair to ensure this option works with your degree plan?

How do I get started?

If you answered yes to the questions above, your next step is to discuss how portfolio credit would fit into your degree program with your advisor or Program Director. If you both agree that that portfolio assessment is the best option for you, schedule a final meeting with Amy Beauchemin (860-913-2127) to obtain permission to enroll in the course Portfolio Review for Experiential Learning and Credit. During this 1-credit course you will create your portfolio(s) for eventual submission to a faculty assessment committee.

How long does it take?

Portfolio assessment is not a fast process, though it can be a quick way to gain credit in comparison to earning the same amount of credits sitting in a classroom. In order to pass the mandatory IS 110 course you will need to have completed the entire portfolio you want to submit by the end of the 15-week semester. Sometimes the process can take more than one semester if you are creating multiple portfolios so under specific instructor approved circumstances you may be given one extra semester (15-weeks) to complete your portfolio. Only one portfolio can be submitted by a student during their time at Goodwin.

How much does it cost?

Please refer to the catalog for information about cost.

Note: The University keeps the portfolio indefinitely and award of credit is not guaranteed. If you are successful, the credits are designed as EC on your transcript. Please be aware that portfolio credit may not be transferable to another institution.