Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Appeals process (undergraduate and graduate)
Students who wish to appeal for their financial aid eligibility may do so by filing a letter of appeal. Appeals must be based on mitigating circumstances and explain in detail the reasons why they have not been able to restore their academic standing. The letter should also detail what the student will do in order to be successful in upcoming semesters.
Students who anticipate not meeting all SAP benchmarks after being on warning are encouraged to submit a letter of appeal early. Please keep in mind that there is only a small window of time for you to send in your appeal before the next semester begins. It is recommended to draft a letter once you have been notified through your Goodwin email of your academic standing and submit it to the Academic Progress Coordinator in order to receive your appeal decision before the semester begins.
The SAP Appeal Board will review all letters of appeal to make a determination. Students with letters that have been approved will be on academic probation with financial aid and will meet with the Academic Progress Coordinator to review their academic plan. Students with letters that have been denied will need to set up a payment plan with the Business Office to continue their studies at Goodwin.
Appeals can be sent to Toniko Cox at 1lwwywuhmh9mudwtx8jej5tbh5.5878dnlnir9wvcinaeod9wziblewdsrc0akou4l1esoicu8u9gioutbf@0tvzrux4c6cjtoo46v7hcqd64slt.
Questions about SAP? Contact:
Toniko Cox- Phone860-913-2147
- Emailswr8lauywi3otdrxkt4he8vgenc.wy0fwonomfryrip1itsw3ax63dq6zehmonl0mbpo7ze3p7dgzq2nx2@7q59cxgx3z9kosuihmocjxciw9t
- OfficeOne Riverside Drive - 102 (Financial Aid Office)