School Choice
What is school choice?
School choice is a program through which students can choose to attend an academic institution other than their district public school.
School choice provides Connecticut families various pre-higher education options and opportunities for all and does not limit students to a school based on their family’s home district.
School choice provides options of attending:
- Magnet schools
- Open choice schools
- Technical high schools
- Agricultural science and technology education schools
School choice supports public education funds following students to the learning environments, schools, or services that best fit their needs.
How do I know which option is right for me?
RSCO offers four types of school choice options within the Greater Hartford Region. Those options include the Hartford Region Open Choice Program, interdistrict magnet schools, technical high schools, and agricultural science and technology education schools.
Open choice schools provide opportunities for students pre-K through grade 12. Hartford residents may apply to a public school in a district outside of Hartford, while non-Hartford residents may apply to a public school located in Hartford.
Magnet schools provide opportunities for students pre-K through grade 12. Magnet schools offer theme-based programs, including STEM, Visual and Performing Arts, and Montessori. There are 40 interdistrict magnet schools in the Greater Hartford Region.
Technical high schools provide opportunities for students from grade 9 through 12. The three technical high schools in the Greater Hartford Region are located in Hartford, New Britain, and Manchester. These technical high schools offer career and college readiness programs.
Agricultural science and technology education schools provide opportunities for students from grade 9 through grade 12. The three agricultural science and technology education schools in the Greater Hartford Region are located in Bloomfield, Glastonbury, and Suffield. These agricultural science and technology eucation schools offer programs focused on agricultural science, including animal science, aquaculture, biotechnology, environmental science, plant science, and agricultural business.
After researching and considering the options, you can apply through the RSCO lottery.
Interested in a magnet school for your child? Visit Goodwin University Magnet Schools online at Riverside Magnet School (pre-K through grade 5) and/or Connecticut River Academy (Grades 6 through 12).
Magnet schools offer several benefits including:
- Academic success that prepares students for a lifetime of achievement
- Student body that encourages respect, empathy and collaboration
- Family and community involvement that instills a passion for learning and growth
- Flexible and innovative curriculum centered around a unifying theme