Faculty Senate
Academic Technology and Retention Commitee
Purpose: To advocate faculty perspective in the operation and management of academic technologies.
Ellen Swider (chair)
Annjanette Bennar
Phil Fox
Richmond Gyamfi
Vita Vernace
Pam Walker
Lisa Wisniewski
Works in Progress: Continuing Starfish server administration, Goodwin NEST Services, implementation of new technologies (Ellucian)
Meeting times: TBD
Membership: Faculty Senate members are welcome. Please contact chair.
Bylaws Commitee
Purpose: To review Faculty Senate bylaws and answer bylaws-related questions in Faculty Senate.
Marcie Stock (chair)
Amy Beauchemin
Annjanette Bennar
Phil Fox
Ellen Swider
Works in Progress: Required bylaws review for 2022 (will be complete in December 2022).
Meeting times: TD
Membership: Faculty Senate members are welcome. Please contact chair.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitee
Purpose: To provide guidance, recommendations, and workshops on DEI in Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. As noted in parenthesis, some members of this committee serve on the Goodwin University DEI Steering Committee, too.
Zully Maldonado (chair)
Lisa Fanelli
Phil Fox
Paula McLean
Nicole Miller (DEI Steering Committee Member)
Karrie Morin
Marcie Stock
Marquita Taylor (DEI Steering Commitee Member)
Lisa Wisniewski
UB DEI Faculty Guests: Susan Ferency, Elizabeth Fles, Navarun Gupta, Prabir Patra, Fredrick Dombrowski, Jani Pallis, Claude Mayo, Katsuhiro Kita, Marlene St. Juste
Works in Progress: Becoming an age-friendly university, updating anatomical models in labs, and more to come.
Membership: All Goodwin employees are welcome. Please contact chair.
Executive Commitee
Purpose: To oversee the committees and agendas of Faculty Senate and to collaborate with administration on Faculty Senate initiatives.
Phil Fox, President
Lisa Wisniewski, Vice-President
Annjanette Bennar, Recorder
Amy Beauchemin, Member at Large
Ellen Swider, Member at Large
Works in Progress: Comprehensive plan for Faculty Senate in 2023 and beyond.
Meeting times: TBD
Membership: As per Senate Bylaws, membership is limited to President, Vice President, Recorder, and two Faculty-at-Large members
Faculty Recognition Commitee
Purpose: To collaborate and recognize faculty at Goodwin University.
Amy Beauchemin (chair)
Robin Cournoyer
John Kania
Cynthia Murphy
Susanne Paulette
Mary Salisbury
Michele Vallee
Vita Vernace
Works in Progress: Faculty Wall, Annual Faculty Recognition Event, Faculty Awards, Faculty Recognition Newsletter.
Meeting times: Please contact chair for meeting times.
Membership: Faculty Senate members are welcome. Please contact chair.
Nominating Commitee
Purpose: To arbitrate Senate officer elections and maintain the integrity of ballot and election processes.
Marcie Stock (chair)
Elizabeth Deegan
Mike Litke
Marcie Stock
Vita Vernace
Works in Progress: Upcoming President and Member-at-Large elections in August 2023.
Meeting times: TBD
Membership: Faculty Senate members are welcome. Please contact chair.
Promotion Commitee
Purpose: To oversee the review of faculty promotion portfolios and provide a recommendation for promotion to university administration.
School of Applied Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
John Kania (Co-chair)
Vinod Dhar
School of Business, Technology, and Advanced Manufacturing
Sandi Coyne-Gilbert
School of Nursing and Health Professions
Heather Massicotte
Human Resources
Terry Antoine (Senior Director of Human Resources)
Works in Progress: Streamlining the promotion process by making sure promotion language is accurate and consistent.
Meeting times: Unpublished due to committee procedures and confidentiality.
Membership: Members must be full-time faculty.
Sabbatical Commitee
Purpose: To provide faculty perspective and recommendations on sabbatical applications.
Phil Fox
John Kania
Lisa Wisniewski
Works in Progress: Building an active list of sabbatical-eligible faculty. Clarifying existing policies and procedures.
Meeting times: TBD
Meeting times: Faculty Senate members are welcome Please contact Faculty Senate President.