Campus Safety
Emergency Response Instructions
Follow these Emergency Response Instructions to guide you during emergencies, such as fire, disaster, bomb threats, and medical emergencies.
These instructions are readily available in every department. Keep them in a visible location so they are accessible when needed.
In an emergency, the first concern of Goodwin University staff must be for the safety of the students, visitors, and staff.
Be familiar with the information contained in the instructions.
In an emergency: Call 9-1-1
East Hartford Police Department: 860-528-4401 (non-emergency)
The numbers for Goodwin University Campus Safety are:- Campus phone x555
- Non-campus phone: 860‑913‑2100
If uncertain as to which number to call, and/or for all other incidents please contact the: East Hartford Police Department at its non-emergency direct line at 860‑528‑4401.
Police dispatchers will ask you questions regarding the incident including what occurred, where the incident occurred, and/or any appropriate description of individuals responsible.
In the event of an emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety to members of the campus community, an emergency notification will be issued using one, some, or all of the below methods.
- “EVERBRIDGE” - Emergency Notification System.
- “ALERTUS” - Emergency Notification System.
- All campus notifications (email, GCC web page, Twitter, Facebook)
- Campus telephone reverse intercom speakers.
- Flashing room lights to notify deaf/hearing-impaired persons.
- Personal notification by emergency personnel.
- Emergency vehicle public address (PA) speakers.
- Press releases and/or media notification may also be utilized for notification.
First aid and medical emergencies do occur on our campus. The person who is affected by the medical emergency should be evaluated and treated by a healthcare professional as soon as possible.
Take the following steps in the event of a medical emergency:
- Call 911 from a cell phone or 911 from a campus phone to summon Paramedics and an ambulance.
- When calling 911 stay on the phone line until the dispatcher hangs up. They can provide appropriate guidance and pre-arrival instructions until an ambulance arrives. Security will be able to monitor this call as it is being made.
- After calling 911 contact University Security at extension 555 from a campus phone or direct dial 860‑913‑2100 so they can arrange for the most efficient entry of emergency vehicles on campus.
- Prior to taking any action, CHECK the accident scene for potential hazards in order to protect your personal safety.
- To reduce the risk of infection, if possible, WEAR NON-LATEX GLOVES and WASH YOUR HANDS before and after treating an open wound or handling any body fluids.
- Stay with the victim and reassure them that medical help is the way.
- Do not move a seriously injured person unless there is a life-threatening situation.
- Remain calm.
- Contact University Security extension 555 from a campus phone or direct dial 960‑913‑2100.
- Follow instructions from Security.
- Turn off equipment to avoid a power surge when power is restored.
- If the hallways or stairwells are dark due to the power outage, move slowly and cautiously.
- Bring a flashlight (Cellphone) to lavatories and other interior areas in case emergency lighting has not activated.
- If instructed to evacuate, follow evacuation procedures.
- Determine if phone connection is still working. Use walkie-talkies if necessary. Contact emergency response officials if necessary.
- Move cautiously to a lighted area. Exits may be indicated by lighted signs if the emergency power is operating.
- Walk, do not run.
- Use stairs, do not use elevators.
- Assist people with functional needs to evacuate.
- Laboratory personnel should secure experiments, unplug electrical equipment, and store chemicals in their locations.
- Consider all wires ENERGIZED and dangerous. Even lines that are de-energized could become energized at any time.
- DO NOT attempt to remove a tree limb or other object from a power line.
- If someone makes contact with a downed power line, don’t try to rescue them because you risk becoming a victim yourself.
Note: A hazardous material release could include a chemical truck overturning, a chemical spill in class, or an outside gas leak.
- If hazardous material is released in your classroom, PULL FIRE ALARM, evacuate the area immediately, shut the door and call 911 or notify the Security Office at extension 555. Give information about the product spilled, the volume spilled, and contamination with any other chemicals.
- Upon notification of a hazardous material released outside of your classroom, shut all windows/doors.
- If outside with students, remain upwind of any vapors and return to the building immediately.
- If instructed to take shelter, follow the procedures to take shelter.
- If ordered to evacuate, follow evacuation procedures.
Personnel exposures and/or contamination
- Remove exposed/contaminated individual(s) from area, unless it is unsafe to do so because of (1) medical condition of victim(s) or (2) potential hazard to rescuer(s).
- Call Security at 555 or 911 AT ALL TIMES, if immediate medical attention is required.
- If incident occurs during normal working hours, notify school administrator.
- Administer First Aid as appropriate.
- Proceed to nearest emergency eyewash/shower to flush contamination from eyes/skin.
- Remove contaminated clothing.
- Stand by to provide information or assistance (including Safety Data Sheet information) to emergency personnel (in cases where they are dispatched).
Contamination of equipment and/or facilities
- Do not attempt any clean up or decontamination procedures alone or without wearing proper protective attire, including appropriate respiratory protection where airborne hazards may exist.(Personnel must be trained and certified before using respiratory protection.)
- Avoid spreading contamination by restricting access to the equipment/area only to individuals who are properly protected and trained to deal with the type of hazard which exists.
- Report details and/or request assistance to college administration.
- If a liquid spill, (if trained) attempt to contain it by using appropriate absorbent material.
- Attempt to decontaminate (if trained) the equipment/area using appropriate methods.
Release to the Environment (Air, Water, Soil)
- Stop the release, if safe to do so.
- Follow the procedures described above for contamination of equipment/facility.
- NOTIFY college administration and Security.
If you discover a fire:
- Activate the fire alarm system or Immediately Call 911.
- Rescue anyone in immediate danger, if possible without endangering yourself. NEVER enter an unknown (or unfamiliar) area, especially if smoke is visible.
- Confine the fire by closing doors/windows as you leave the building,
- FEEL THE DOOR - a “too hot to touch door” means the fire is outside the door.
- Evacuate the building and report the situation to the first arriving firemen or police.
- NOTE: you are not required to extinguish a fire with a fire extinguisher and should use an extinguisher only if you have been trained and the situation does not present a personal safety hazard.
- Evacuate to pre-designated area at alarm.
- Check lavatories on the way out of the building for students who may not have heard the alarm.
- Reassemble students in safe area.
- Take attendance and relay it to the designated location.
- Remain with the students until the “All Clear” is given or until receipt of further instruction.
- DO NOT RE-ENTER the building until you have been instructed to do so.
- Accompany students to alternate site, if needed.
- Accompany students back to the classroom and take attendance.
- ASSIST A PHYSICALLY-IMPAIRED PERSON TO THE CLOSEST EXIT STAIRWELL Area of Refuge and advise emergency personnel of this condition. Areas of Refuge are the floor landings located within the stairwells.
If trapped in the building:
- Close all doors and windows.
- Wet and place cloth material around and under the door to prevent smoke from entering.
- Attempt to signal people outside of the building. Call 911, using a telephone or cell phone.
If you discover a gas leak:
- NOTE: Propane is heavier than air and will tend to initially pool at floor level if it has leaked. It doesn’t take long, however, for it to expand to fill all available space. Avoid any action that could cause a spark.
- If you smell a strong odor of gas, immediately evacuate the classroom and notify Security 911 or 555.
- Upon notification of a gas leak not in your classroom, DO NOT operate any electrical switches or turn any equipment off/on. DO NOT use portable radios.
- Follow the evacuation route posted in the classrooms or as directed to do over the PA System.
- Check lavatories on the way out of the building to ensure all students have heard the evacuation order.
- Reassemble students in the pre-designated area. Take attendance and relay it to the designated area.
- Remain with the students until the “All Clear” is given or until receipt of further instructions.
- Accompany students back to the classroom and take attendance.
Upon hearing the fire alarm sound:
- Faculty closes doors and windows.
- Lights/computers should be left as they are.
- Faculty and students exit through the nearest emergency exit. DO NOT use the elevators.
The main building
On the second, third, fourth & fifth floors of main building:
- Classes in the southern section of the building should descend using the South Stairwell and exit through the emergency exit at the bottom of the stairs.
- Classes in the northern section of the building (closest to the University green) should descend using the North Stairwell and exit through the emergency exits at the bottom of the stairs.
- Classes in all other buildings should follow the designated evacuation routes posted on the wall by the door within each classroom.
Individuals with limited mobility:
- Should be assisted by their teacher or other adult in their classroom in exiting the building or in getting to an area of refuge.
- There is an emergency alert button at the stairwell on each floor that must be pressed to notify emergency personnel of the location of the person requiring assistance at the area of refuge.
- A faculty member should stay with any student who must remain in an area of refuge.
- Emergency personnel will check this area during an evacuation.
- Remain at that location until the “All Clear” or until assistance arrives.
- Upon exiting the building classes move to the south side of the building, and assemble in the parking lot.
- An administrator or security will notify all evacuated individuals when it is safe to return to the building.
- Be prepared to ADAPT as circumstances change.
Before an emergency occurs, determine the nearest exit to your location, alternate exits, and designated evacuation areas, for the building.
Building evacuation routes are posted in every building. You must evacuate the building if an alarm sounds, or when told to evacuate by emergency response personnel even if no alarm sounds. Read the “Evacuation Floor Plan” for the building and floor you are on.
- Faculty members are responsible for overseeing the safe evacuation of their classroom. Instructors are responsible for accounting for all students who were in class prior to the evacuation.
- Faculty should escort their students to the designated evacuation site. All students MUST be accounted for. Faculty should ensure students do not leave the evacuation site unless instructed to do so by the emergency personnel. Once the faculty has accounted for their students, faculty should report to the department heads or emergency wardens as appropriate.
- It is imperative that the faculty provide the emergency personnel with the names of any students who are not accounted for and the last known location of that student.
In addition, the faculty should provide their department head with the name of any student requiring medical assistance. Faculty should also be prepared to provide their department head with the nature of the medical problem and the location of that student.
- Students are responsible for following faculty directives on how to safely evacuate the building and reach the designated evacuation site. Students should provide faculty with any information they may have regarding students who are not present at the evacuation site and are therefore unaccounted for.
Students are NOT permitted to leave the campus during an evacuation until specifically instructed to do so. Students must be accounted for before any dismissal can occur.
Main campus
Move to southeast parking lot area of the main building which is the parking lot east of building 247.
- 211 Riverside Drive
- 195 Riverside Drive
- 167 Riverside Drive
- 133 Riverside Drive
- One Pent Road (Heading northward to this area)
Riverside Magnet at 29 Willowbrook Road
Move to southeast corner of parking lot near the open field and High Street condominiums.
CTRA High School at 9 Riverside Drive
Move to the south green area on the sidewalk near the Trinity Boat House.
403 Main Street
Move to the north into the Aircraft Financial Credit Union parking lot.
1137 Main Street
ove to the parking lot on north side of Orchard Street.
- Once outside the building move to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
- A Campus Emergency Command Post may be set up near the disaster site. Keep clear of any Command Post unless you have official business.
- DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless told to do so by a College official.
Hurricane watch and warning:
- Assist in dismissal of students, if necessary.
- Store all books, papers, and other equipment away from windows and above floor.
During a severe storm watch:
- Close windows and blinds/shades.
- Remind students of tornado drill procedures and the designated sheltered area in lowest floor of area of refuge. Areas of refuge are the landings located in the stairwells.
- Review “Drop and Tuck” position facing wall with hands interlocked over head.
- Have flashlight available.
- Due to the unpredictable nature of such storms, be prepared to take immediate protective action, including “Drop and Tuck” under desks or in stairwells if needed.
During a tornado warning:
- Close classroom door. Take flashlight if available.
- Have students sit quietly on the floor, away from outside wall.
- Take attendance and relay to designated area.
- Keep students calm and quiet.
- If in “Drop and Tuck”, make sure students are positioned properly.
- If you sense tornado is imminent, give “Drop and Tuck” command.
- Remain in place until the “All Clear” is given.
After the storm has passed:
- Take attendance and relay to designated area.
- Report injuries and provide immediate first aid.
- Attempt to restore calm.
- Await future instructions.
- Remain in place until “All Clear” is given.
Do Not Use Two-Way Radios During Bomb Threat.
Bomb threats
The person receiving the threat will take down all information in writing and notify immediately one of the following persons by calling them:
- Director of Safety and Security: 860-883-9938
- Assistant Director of Safety and Security: 860-494-5639
- Vice President of Facilities: 860-212-9899
- Director of Maintenance: 860-817-0073
Never go looking for an explosive device yourself.
If you discover a bomb or suspicious item:
- Do Not touch it.
- Call the front desk (dial 555) for help and an emergency response.
If evacuation is warranted:
- Evacuate and move to a safe area.
- Students and staff will remove their own personal items only (i.e. book bag, backpack, clothing or briefcases.
- School officials should pre-check evacuation route and pre-designated meeting area for any suspicious items or packages.
Faculty and Staff:
- When informed of the need to evacuate due to a bomb threat:
- Leave classroom door open.
- Leave light/computers on.
- Do not use radios as they might activate the bomb.
- Evacuate via safe route.
- Ensure students are at least 500 feet away from the building once evacuated.
- Follow evacuation procedures.
If you receive or discover a suspicious package or device:
- Move to a safe distance.
- Do not use a cell phone within 300 feet of the suspicious package
- Immediately call: Security @ 555.
If you open a parcel that appears to be contaminated:
- Do not move the parcel.
- Call Security - who will then call the Police.
- Turn off fans, window air conditioners or space heaters.
- Isolate the area. Evacuate the adjoining areas.
- Anyone in contact with the parcel should remain isolated in an area adjacent to the original location and wait for additional instructions from emergency responders.
Depending upon the type of emergency that may occur, such as an armed intruder, active shooter, violent crime, extreme weather conditions, or toxic pollutant in the air due to a chemical leak, it is generally safer to stay indoors to avoid exposure to that threat. You may also be directed via campus notification to shelter-in-place. If told to shelter-in-place, follow these guidelines:
- Administrator will announce, “At this time, please remain in your classrooms for Shelter-In-Place.”
- Secure the hallway, restrooms, and stairwells by bringing individuals into your classroom.
- Close and lock all classroom and office doors (exterior doors will be locked by security).
- Any groups outside must come inside immediately. All outside activities cancelled.
- Continue regular classroom activities within the room.
- In case of EMERGENCY inside the classroom, call 555 for Security or 911 for Police, Fire - Medical Help.
- Wait for further instructions from administrators or the Director of Security, which will be announced over the PA system.
- The shelter-in-place will end when an administrator, the Director of Security, or Police announce, “All Clear - the shelter-in-place is officially over.”
- SHELTER IN PLACE when the threat is outside the building.
- No one is to leave the classroom under any circumstances.
- Telephones, including cell phones, are for emergency use only.
- STAY in lockdown until the official “All Clear” is given.
- Be prepared to ADAPT as circumstances change.
An Inside Threat Lockdown may be called for several reasons, including when there is an intruder/threat inside the building. This lockdown requires the occupants of the school to "shelter in place" or move to a designated safe, secured area.
- Administrator will announce, “We are now in a lockdown. Once again, we are now in a lockdown.”
- Stop teaching and instruct all to remain silent. Silence your cellphone and instruct students to do the same.
- Secure the hallway, restrooms, and stairwells by bringing individuals into your classroom.
- Close and lock doors (turn knob to right in interior lock), shut lights, cover interior windows if possible, computers stay on.
- Instruct everyone to move away from the door and towards an area of the room that offers the most cover (protection) or concealment (hiding).
- In case of EMERGENCY inside the classroom, call 555 for Security or 911 for Police or Fire.
- Wait for further instructions from administrators or the Director of Security, which will be announced over PA system.
- Follow directions of identifiable Police officers or Emergency Personnel. If directed to leave the area, leave immediately - leave your belongings, show your hands.
- The lockdown will end when an administrator, the Director of Security, or Police announce, “All clear - the lockdown is officially over.”
- RUN – HIDE – FIGHT when there is an intruder in the building.
- NO ONE is to leave the classroom under any circumstances.
- TELEPHONES, including cell phones, are for emergency use only.
- STAY in lockdown until the official “all clear” is given.
- Be prepared to ADAPT as circumstances change.
All visitors to the building are to obtain a visitor’s badge from the Front Security Desk. Faculty and Staff should be aware of and report anyone in the building without a badge. If a threatening, suspicious, or violent intruder is found in the building, trying to enter the building, or if their presence is suspected, a lockdown will be announced over the PA.
Steps to implement lockdown after threat has been identified:
- Lockdown signal is given by any school building Management Personnel.
- Check hallways - Individuals determined not to be a threat will be allowed into the nearest room.
- No one will be allowed to remain in the hallways or unprotected areas.
- Secure doors, turn out lights, cover interior windows, and move students out of line of sight of door windows.
- Take attendance and record students that are in the room, missing and extra students from the hall and await further instructions.
- Only enforcement officials will be allowed to enter your room, do not open doors for ANYONE under ANY Circumstances.
- All activities cease.
- If outside of building, evacuate to a predetermined, off-campus location.
- Have an escape route and plan in mind.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
- Help others escape, if possible.
- Do not attempt to move the wounded.
- Prevent others from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
- Keep your hands visible.
- Call 911 when you are safe.
- Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view. Under a desk and pulling a chair in behind you can be an excellent place to hide!
- Lock door or block entry to your hiding place.
- Silence your cell phone (including vibrate mode) and remain quiet.
- Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in danger.
- Act with as much physical aggression as possible and attempt to incapacitate the shooter.
- Improvise weapons or throw items at the active shooter.
- Commit to your actions…your life depends on it.
Everyone is asked to assist The University Security in making the campus a safe place by reporting suspicious activity. If you observe a crime in progress, or any behavior you consider suspicious, please immediately notify College Security from a campus phone by dialing 555 or direct dial 860‑913‑2100.
If Police are called via 911, you may be asked to stay on the phone with the dispatcher while the Police Officers are being sent to the incident. This will allow real time updates that can be given to the responding Officers via police radio systems.
- Upon notification to College Security, provide the location of the incident and the physical description of those involved.
- If a vehicle is involved, attempt to obtain the license plate number, the vehicle description and the last known direction of travel, if you can do so in a safe manner.
- DO NOT approach or apprehend the person(s) involved.
- The Police will respond to the area, take appropriate action, and investigate the incident. If necessary, College Security will call for assistance directly from local area Police or Fire Departments.
Verbal or written threats of suicide:
- Take any threat seriously. Trust your own judgment. If you believe someone is in danger of suicide, act on your beliefs. Notify security and administrators and school therapist immediately.
- Stay with a suicidal student until help arrives.
- Encourage a suicidal person to talk to you. Don’t give false reassurances that, “Everything will be okay”.
- Listen and sympathize with what the person has to say.
- Be supportive. Show the person that you care.
- Help the person to feel worthwhile and wanted again.
- Continue to express interest in student after crisis is over.
Suicide attempt in progress:
- Upon notification of a suicide attempt in progress, call Security immediately at 555. If available, contact school therapist.
- Try to calm the student and others. Ask student for permission to evacuate rest of class.
- Have students evacuate quietly, if allowed.
- Teacher should remain with the student in crisis until help arrives.
A weapon is any instrument that may produce bodily harm or death. Upon learning of a weapon on school grounds:
- Notify Security immediately: Call 555 or 911.
- DO NOT attempt to confiscate the weapon.
- Take immediate steps to reduce the risk of injury or possible death by directing all non-involved individuals out of the area.
- Gather any and all information to determine the location of the weapon or possible offender.
- Protect the identity of any informants.
- Isolate the student/offender as much as possible until help arrives.
A hostage situation occurs when an individual takes, holds, confines, or otherwise restricts the free movement or liberty of any person(s) by real or implied force (use of weapons, threats, or physical bodily harm). A hostage taker acts for various reasons, including mental illness, duress, custody battle, craving for power, helplessness, or for money. Two key factors are that the person is thinking irrationally and will respond with desperate actions. Try to calm the situation and provide enough time for the police to achieve a safe conclusion.
If YOU are the one to identify a hostage situation:
- Secure the immediate area, if possible, by removing all non-participants.
- Close the door to the area, if appropriate, to isolate the incident.
- Notify Security immediately at 555 or dial 911.
If YOU and your class have been taken hostage:
- Do everything the captor says to do.
- Be especially careful during the first four or five minutes as the captor is probably as desperate and jumpy as you are
- Speak only when spoken to; never make a wisecrack.
- Try not to show emotions openly. Act relaxed.
- Sit down, if possible, to avoid appearing aggressive.
- Have faith in negotiators.
- If possible, hide or get rid of personal effects (Photos of spouse/children, keys).
- Do, not make any suggestions to hostage taker(s). If suggestions go wrong, captor may think you tried to create problems.
- Do not turn away from the captor unless ordered to do so, and try to keep eye contact without staring. People are less likely to harm someone they are looking at.
- Be patient.
In the event a tragedy occurs such as a downed aircraft (crash) on campus, The University and Faculty and Staff and Students should take the following action:
- Immediately take cover under tables, desks and other objects which will give protection against falling glass or debris.
- After the effects of the explosion and/or fire have subsided, notify Emergency Communications via a 911 phone call. Give your name and describe the location and nature of the emergency.
- When the building evacuation is sounded or when told to leave by College officials, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same.
- Once outside, move to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
- A Campus Emergency Command Post may be set up near the disaster site. Keep clear of the Command Post unless you have official business.
- DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless told to do so by a College official.
- Contact Security Immediately at 555.
- Promptly walk, do not run, to the scene so you can analyze the situation and form a strategy.
- Once you are in sight of the violent action, announce your presence in a commanding voice and let everyone know that the behavior is to stop immediately.
- If possible, obtain help from other faculty, staff and security.
- Do not try to be a hero. If confronted with a serious fight, especially one where weapons are observed, call 911. Then wait for help to arrive.
- Avoid using further confrontational behavior yourself (pointing at students, making accusations, cornering them with their back against the wall).
- If the fight has ended, escort the participants down to the front desk if you are able. You take one student and have other adult(s) take the other student(s) in order to avoid a flare-up of the conflict.
- File an incident report. Incident reports can be found through the Quick Link on the Faculty and Staff webpage.