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CT Transit Bus Schedules

View CT Transit bus schedules for Hartford. Bus Routes that make stops at One Riverside Drive are 95 Glastonbury and 87 Brewer Street.

Bus Stops

Bus stops are located every 2-3 blocks along the bus route. Most stops are marked with an official bus stop sign; some locations have a white band painted on the pole.


Service in the Hartford Area operates 365 days a year. Sunday service schedules operate on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


All CTTRANSIT buses have wheelchair lifts or ramps for access by persons with disabilities. Also, the bus can “kneel” to lower the first step height. Please ask the operator to kneel the bus to assist you in boarding or alighting.

Travel Conditions

The times listed in schedules are approximate, delays may occur subject to weather or traffic conditions. You may wish to consider adverse conditions when planning the time of your trip.

Customer Service Center

CT Transit customer service representatives are available to assist you with information about CTTRANSIT's services, to take your comments about the bus service and to assist you with lost and found items.

  • Hours: Monday through Saturday 6:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m.
    Sunday/Holiday 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
  • Phone: 860-525-9181
  • TTY (Hearing Impaired Only): 860-727-8196
  • Internet:

Information Courtesy of Hartford CT Transit