Goodwin Foundation
Frequently asked questions about scholarships
Scholarship Application TipsFirst, review the eligibility requirements for each listed scholarship to determine if you qualify. The requirements differ from scholarship to scholarship, so take a close look.
Once you have determined you qualify for one or more scholarships, fill out ONE application. You DO NOT have to fill out separate application forms for each scholarship. Make sure you answer the required questions, and complete the essay section, if applicable.
A number of scholarships have been established by generous friends of the University. As part of its charter, the Goodwin Foundation, through its endowment, awards annual student scholarships, as well. To ensure scholarships are available to students every semester, application and selection rounds are conducted three times a year, with most scholarships being awarded only once a year.
You DO NOT need to provide documentation with your application that shows you are in financial need. The Foundation works with both the Business Office and Financial Aid to determine your eligibility using your EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) as calculated on the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR).
Generally, scholarship awards are to be used in the next one or two semesters after they are awarded. Under special circumstances (e.g. emergency leave from The University), you may have up to one year to use a scholarship award. We recommend when you receive a scholarship that you meet with your counselor in the Financial Aid Office to review how the money will be applied in your specific situation.
Yes! There is no limit to the number of scholarships you can apply for or receive. We encourage you to apply as long as you are an enrolled student and qualify for the scholarship.
Yes. You can find a number of helpful resources by clicking here. You will find a list of links and information to help you search for additional scholarships.
You will be notified approximately 2-3 weeks after the application deadline if you have or have not been awarded a scholarship.
Yes. As long as you are an enrolled and qualify, you will be eligible to apply. You may apply regardless of the number of credits you are taking.
No. An internal transfer of funds will occur. Once you are notified of having received a scholarship, you will be encouraged to contact a Financial Aid counselor who will review your current situation.
Yes. In fact, because financial aid opportunities are so limited for foreign students, we encourage them to apply.
Yes. Some scholarships specify “near the end of your program” but occasionally, there are special circumstances where a scholarship will be awarded to a student early in their program. We encourage you to become familiar with the process of applying for scholarships and apply in subsequent rounds.
No, you are not required to provide a letter of recommendation to apply for any of our scholarships.

Goodwin Foundation
One Riverside Drive, East Hartford, CT 06118
| 860-727-6976