Beyond the Degree: What Will You Gain from a Master’s of Science in Nursing?

Obtaining a master’s of science in nursing is a great way to hone your skills and distinguish your career in nursing. With a flexible MSN program from Goodwin College, you can continue to work full-time, while you simultaneously earn your degree part-time. Why take a break from work if you don’t have to? In as few as twenty months, you could launch your career straight from your current position into an improved role, catered specifically to your new skillset, and with an attractive raise given your learned credentials.

How will Goodwin College’s masters of science in nursing program help you to become the best nurse you can be? Students focus on three core areas, expanding on their knowledge of each subject and developing an understanding of their interrelatedness:

  1. Pathophysiology — The scientific study of functional changes associated with or resulting from disease or injury
  2. Pharmacology — The science concerning the origin, nature, chemistry, effects, and uses of drugs, especially pertaining to their medical efficacy
  3. Physical Assessment — Bodily assessment of patient health, involving detailed physical examination

The Goodwin MSN Curriculum partners advanced courses in each of these three subjects with classes that help masters of science in nursing students become leaders in their field, including:

Leadership Practices in Organizational Communications
Policy, Politics, and Organization of Healthcare
Healthcare Quality: Communication and Informatics

With a Goodwin College education, nurses develop not only the hard skills, but the mental dexterity and analytical chops to contribute to the healthcare landscape in meaningful ways. As we all know, the debate on the future outlook of American healthcare has held a serious grip on the media, especially in recent months. The general public has been attempting to understand what is or will be in flux in terms of their coverage and benefits, and what is at stake. Earning a master’s of science in nursing means that you develop power through knowledge, not only to help citizens understand their patient rights and policies, but to contribute to the administration end of these big decisions. The American Nurses Association (ANA) summarizes their role in the conversation; “For decades, the ANA has been advocating for health care reforms that would guarantee access to high-quality health care for all. [ … ] ANA recognizes the debate of health care is ongoing, and the organization remains committed to educating the nursing public about how the changing system impacts our lives and our profession”.

The ANA continues to provide resources, develop solutions, and to take actions that forward the success of health care reform, while balancing the interests of both nurses and patients. Nurses with their masters of science in nursing become qualified to impact reform, policy, and politics, through leadership and communication skills learned in programs like Goodwin College’s online MSN.

With a refined skillset that qualifies nurses to both administer patient treatment, decide on its course, and shape the policies that allow that treatment to be applied in the first place, an advanced MSN degree truly puts committed nurses at the forefront of American health. If you want to be that change, establish yourself as a leader, and start impacting lives on the clinical level with an MSN degree.

Learn more about Goodwin College’s masters of science in nursing online, or contact our team today for more information by calling 1-800-889-3282, or e-mailing