When searching for the right college in Connecticut, you’ll come across all sorts of options: public, private, small, online, hybrid programming, and so much more. Discovering which type of college or university is best for you will depend on your academic interests, career goals, social activities, and other family or work responsibilities you may be juggling.

What is a Private College or University?

The categories “private” and “public” refer to how an institution receives funding. Both colleges and universities can be publicly funded through state and local governments, or privately funded through tuition fees, donations, and grants. Unlike primary and secondary education, schooling beyond high school comes with a price tag. Luckily, both public and private colleges and universities offer students access to financial aid to pay for college.

However, there are key differences between private colleges and public schools. Because private colleges rely on private or non-government funding, for example, they are typically able to offer more generous financial aid packages to students.

Public vs. Private Colleges in Connecticut

Connecticut’s state and other public colleges deliver exceptional educational options, but a private college’s unique offerings should not be overlooked.

In particular, private colleges in Connecticut are perfectly geographically located for students to enjoy the natural beauty of the ocean and North American east coast forest, along with proximity to some of the world’s largest metropolitan areas.

Every private college is unique, and the students, not politics, are the top priority. With heartfelt mission statements and rigorous academic excellence, the education available at private Connecticut colleges meets and exceeds even the strictest of standards.

The Benefits of Attending a Private College in CT

While the initial sticker shock of some private colleges can send students straight into the hands of publicly offered in-state tuition, there are a lot of benefits of attending a private college in Connecticut. So let’s begin by demystifying the price tag of private education.

  • Merit-Based Scholarships

Private college can seem expensive at first glance, but it’s essential to consider the listed tuition of a private college as a sticker price, not a final offer. Because of their funding, private colleges can offer merit-based scholarships to students. Plus, applicants can take advantage of federal funding through the FAFSA application, whether they attend a private or public college or university. For example, 85% of Goodwin students received financial aid through grants or scholarships.

  • High-Quality Academics

Private colleges and universities, unlike some state schools, don’t have automatic acceptance based on a student’s high school GPA or class rank. As a result, acceptance to a private college is not guaranteed and can be exclusive, leading to a higher-caliber and more challenging academic career. This also means that private colleges tend to stand out to employers, as they review the resumes of prospective candidates.

  • Student-Focused

Faculty at private schools tend to focus more on student success than prominent state universities, where they can be distracted by other elements of academia, such as publishing or research.

  • Smaller Class Sizes

Class sizes are generally smaller at private colleges, leading to more student-teacher facetime. And since TAs teach fewer classes in a private setting, students and faculty form lasting relationships that lead to life-long mentorships and other opportunities beyond the classroom.

  • Campus Culture

While the boisterous energy of a co-ed campus party may be your scene, private schools tend to have a cozier culture with students serious about their studies. Plus, campus culture evolves based on students’ needs and interests. This flexibility allows private colleges to adapt quickly to cultural currents and changes.

If you’re interested in building lifelong friendships centered around shared values, a private college in Connecticut may be calling your name.

Goodwin University is a private, non-profit university located in the Greater Hartford area of CT. We offer career-focused degree programs that are flexible and affordable. To ensure students get the most out of their education, Goodwin offers student support services and lifetime career services to help every graduate secure a rewarding career. Plus, Goodwin offers one of the lowest tuition costs among all private colleges in Connecticut.

So whether you’re looking to change professions or advance in your current job, Goodwin is ready to help you get started.

If you’re ready for a rewarding experience followed by a career trajectory you love, learn more about what Goodwin’s programs can offer.