There is no denying the pervasiveness of technology in today’s world. The best thing that we can do for the future of our teens is to prepare them with the right tools for success, both with hard and soft workplace skills.

As the National Math and Science Initiative reports, “Education is no longer just about learning and memorizing facts and figures; it’s about collaborating with others, solving complex problems, developing different forms of communication and leadership skills, and improving motivation and productivity.”

The Connecticut River Academy (CTRA), Goodwin’s early college high school, utilizes both technology and the innovative teaching methods offered by technology, to help each student reach their full potential. CTRA starts by providing every student with a personal laptop and offering collegiate-level laboratory experiences. Additionally, we introduce students to the fields of science and engineering with internship opportunities and revolve our curriculum around state-of-the-art technologies. CTRA graduates move on to college and beyond, equipped with valuable skills for success in rewarding science and technology professions.

How can a technology high school benefit your teen? Well, let’s start with today. Have you tried to get your teen’s attention lately? Have you found that pulling their gaze from the glow of their mobile device is near impossible? We know that socializing is of utmost importance to our teens. Having grown up with technology, it is only natural that teens are so “connected” online. In fact, this aptitude for technology – and genuine interest – can actually help teens achieve in the classroom when technology is utilized. By integrating technology that we know teens enjoy using with education, students become engaged, focused, and more likely to retain information.

A continued curiosity in students ultimately leads to further education, and eventually, a successful and rewarding career. A 2013 PBS LearningMedia study reported that three-quarters of teachers believe that using technology in the classroom enables them a) to reinforce and expand on content, b) to motivate students to learn, and c) to respond to a variety of learning styles. A technology high school also allows for flexible, individualized learning; teachers can utilize an incredible variety of tools geared for every learning style. Auditory learners may benefit from Podcasts and Audiobooks, visual learners can glean information from picture and video-based software and mapping tools such as Visuwords and Teachertube, and hands-on projects abound for kinesthetic learners, such as Google SketchUp and Quizlet.

Sending your teen to a technology high school improves participation for every style of learner, and participation is the first key to classroom success. Students prepare presentations, collaborate with others, and the traditional lecture-based school experience is replaced by student-empowered group learning. The flexible nature of technology allows our teachers to help each individual student achieve their highest potential.

With technology comes power and efficiency: the days of print-based library research are over. It is now unbelievably simple for students to find the answers to every question they could ever think to ask: immediately. With technology ingrained into the school curriculum at the Connecticut River Academy, students are empowered to learn more quickly, to streamline the research process, and to gain independence. Technology-based research saves time in that it can grasp teens’ attention for a longer period of time than would books or paper resources.

At CTRA, the two main areas of focus are Environmental Studies and Advanced Manufacturing, both under the umbrella theme of Sustainability. These fields give teens a head-start on their career path and prepare them well for college. Within these fields, teens have access to a diverse array of technological equipment, like high-tech machinery, 3-D printers, and robotics. Individuals educated in the technology fields are in high demand in the workforce, reports USA Today, and early exposure to technology in high school better prepares teens for careers in Engineering, the Sciences, Mechatronics and more. Handling advanced machinery helps teens to develop careful attention, a sense of responsibility and excitement and agency for their own futures.

There is nothing like hands-on, real-life experience to give teens a taste of the workplace. CTRA internships offer experience in science and technology corporations, and students take home professional value. With a technology-based education, CTRA helps students develop into tomorrow’s leaders. At the heart of success is a true curiosity and love of learning. Integrated classroom technology, like that at Connecticut River Academy, can make success a reality for every student.

Learn more about the Connecticut River Academy at Goodwin College. Sign up to attend a parent information session or apply today.