public safety administration degree in ct

What is Public Safety Administration, and How Can You Get Involved?

Public safety, also called public security, refers to the welfare and protection of the greater community. It involves protecting the public from crime, disaster, and other potential threats to their safety and wellbeing. Public safety professionals, such as police officers … Continue reading What is Public Safety Administration, and How Can You Get Involved?

Kelly Desso: From Music to Asset Protection

Desso is now a student in the Public Safety program at Goodwin. “I came to Goodwin because it is an institution that strives for results. The concept of ‘When am I ever going to use this?’ does not exist here,” Desso said. Desso chose Public Safety because she wants to serve the community she lives in. “It’s a unique field,” Desso explained, “because you can prevent issues before they occur as opposed to being faced with only the aftermath.” Continue reading Kelly Desso: From Music to Asset Protection