mental health OTA student stories

Brittany’s Story: Innovative OTA Instills Hope for Mental Health Patients

Brittany’s Story: Innovative OTA Instills Hope for Mental Health Patients Brittany Crockett was working three jobs to pay her bills; her mother needed surgery, and she was helping to put her younger sister through cosmetology school. One day, in between … Continue reading Brittany’s Story: Innovative OTA Instills Hope for Mental Health Patients

occupational therapy and mental health treatment

Origins of Occupational Therapy and Mental Health Practices Within the Profession

The Connecticut Occupational Therapy Association defines occupational therapy (OT) as a scientific, evidence-based “skilled treatment that helps individuals achieve independence in all facets of their lives.” And while occupational therapy is thought of primarily as a profession involving physical engagement, … Continue reading Origins of Occupational Therapy and Mental Health Practices Within the Profession

clinical ota internship opportunities

Chapter 126 – Clinical Internships for the OTA Program

Goodwin College and Creative Development, LLC: Community Partnerships and the Chapter 126 Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Since January 2019, students enrolled in Goodwin College’s Occupational Therapy Assistant Program have been pairing with Creative Development, LLC, an occupational therapy company for … Continue reading Chapter 126 – Clinical Internships for the OTA Program