how long to become a nurse practitioner

How Long Does it Take to Get Your MSN and Become a Nurse Practitioner (after a BSN)?

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are some of the most highly educated nurses who provide patients with primary care and other important, high-level medical services. While NPs have similar duties to registered nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners have the medical authority to diagnose … Continue reading How Long Does it Take to Get Your MSN and Become a Nurse Practitioner (after a BSN)?

business management vs. organizational leadership

Business Administration vs. Organizational Leadership: What’s the Difference?

If you’re considering going back to school after attaining your bachelor’s degree, rest assured a master’s program is a great investment. A graduate degree can create leverage for competitive careers, higher income potential, lower unemployment rates, and an increase in … Continue reading Business Administration vs. Organizational Leadership: What’s the Difference?

public health vs health administration

Public Health vs. Public Administration: What’s the Difference Between These Career Paths?

If you’re considering building a career that gives back to your community, you’ll most certainly come across the word “public” throughout your education and job search journey. Public service is an excellent choice! In fact, in 2020, a little over 15% … Continue reading Public Health vs. Public Administration: What’s the Difference Between These Career Paths?

different types of masters degrees in education

What is a Different Master’s Degree in Education That You Can Pursue?

Whether you’re interested in the different master’s degrees in Education available, or searching for professional insights about different careers after graduation, it is important for you to know: Nationwide, schools need educational leaders, now more than ever before. No matter … Continue reading What is a Different Master’s Degree in Education That You Can Pursue?