Officials Celebrate “Magic Moment” in Manufacturing Education at Goodwin College

State and local officials including Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Rep. John Larson, Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman, and East Hartford Mayor Marcia Leclerc, manufacturing industry professionals, local business owners, and educational leaders came together on August 25 to celebrate the dedication of Goodwin College’s new Business and Manufacturing Center. Continue reading Officials Celebrate “Magic Moment” in Manufacturing Education at Goodwin College

Goodwin Manufacturing Program Extends “Open Classroom” to Young North Carolina Students

Desiree Langbeen, a fourth grade teacher at Balfour Elementary School in Asheboro, North Carolina, and Assistant Professor Michael Wolter, Program Director for Goodwin College’s Management & Leadership program, have been best friends since childhood and consider each their “adopted sibling.” At a winter family get together, Desiree shared how her school had created a Robot Club for fourth and fifth graders. Balfour, part of a small city district, is 92% free and reduced lunches, which means that the school qualifies for Title 1 funding that helps low income, high poverty populations with extra resources to increase student achievement and roughly … Continue reading Goodwin Manufacturing Program Extends “Open Classroom” to Young North Carolina Students