mentoring workshops in connecticut

Mentoring and “Tribal Knowledge” Lead to Continuing Education Opportunities

Mentoring and “Tribal Knowledge” Lead to Continuing Education Opportunities by Dr. Michael Wolter Program Director and Associate Professor of Management and Leadership   My mentor, Grace, was a director at the university where I was an undergraduate. Ours was a … Continue reading Mentoring and “Tribal Knowledge” Lead to Continuing Education Opportunities

advanced degrees in leadership

A Bachelor’s vs. Master’s Degree in Leadership, & What You Will Learn from an Advanced Degree

No matter what field of study or industry you are in, there is most likely one constant across the board – solid leadership. Every successful industry, organization, educational institution and team has effective and motivating leaders in place. Despite the … Continue reading A Bachelor’s vs. Master’s Degree in Leadership, & What You Will Learn from an Advanced Degree

naturalization ceremony in ct

The Hope, the Joy, the Happiness: Student Marthe Kingsley Captures the Spirit of Citizenship in Poetry

On December 12, 2018, Goodwin College was proud to host a naturalization ceremony at which individuals from 22 counties were welcomed as new American citizens. One of the highlights of the event was “America,” a poem written and performed by … Continue reading The Hope, the Joy, the Happiness: Student Marthe Kingsley Captures the Spirit of Citizenship in Poetry