On Tuesday, November 7, Goodwin University will host Thanksgiving for All. A tradition in the Goodwin community, Thanksgiving for All is a holiday turkey drive held in cooperation with Connecticut Foodshare. Collecting donations from 7:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. at the Ann B. Clark Co-op, the Goodwin community has set the goal to gather 150 turkeys and $1,500 in monetary donations.
Read on and discover how you can help Goodwin give back this Thanksgiving!
Aiding against hunger for the holidays
Although Connecticut may be one of America’s wealthiest states, food insecurity remains a distressing reality for many of its residents. According to Connecticut Foodshare, 1 in 10 people statewide struggle to access affordable and nutritious food. Within that demographic, over 20% of food-insecure individuals are children.
While those struggling to afford necessities may have access to services such as SNAP, program stipulations can limit the efficacy of these supports. While some SNAP recipients don’t receive enough assistance to meet all their needs, others are unable to access any of these benefits. SNAP bases eligibility on factors such as income, yet many people in need face extenuating circumstances that are not accounted for when determining whether they qualify. Medical bills, housing costs, student debt, and other significant expenses are often not weighed into the equation.
Food insecurity is always a significant stressor for those experiencing it, but the holiday season further exacerbates this anxiety. With pressures to entertain and participate in festivities and pastimes, the cost of partaking in holiday traditions weighs heavily on wallets — turning celebration into distress for many individuals and families. By donating to holiday turkey drives like Goodwin’s, you can make a meaningful difference in negating some of the hardships your community will face this Thanksgiving season.
The Ann B. Clark Co-op and you
Through the Ann B. Clark Co-op, our University works year-round to combat food insecurity within the Goodwin community.
Unlike your average food pantry, the Co-op is a brightly lit community stop where those in need can pick up their necessities. In addition to dry goods, clothing, and toiletries, the Co-op partners with organizations such as Connecticut Foodshare to provide fresh produce to clients.
Isamar Rodriguez, Community and Educational Service Learning Coordinator, takes the helm at the Ann B. Clark Co-op. In addition to managing the logistics, she aims to create a safe haven on Riverside Drive.
In partnership with Connecticut Foodshare, Goodwin’s annual turkey drive ensures that the Co-op’s community spirit will spread far and wide during the holiday season.
“It’s not only important to help and support our families here at the Ann B. Clark Co-op but also to help out our neighbors and families in the surrounding area. That’s why we partner with Connecticut Foodshare to host our annual turkey collection drive,” Rodriguez shares. “I believe every family should have the opportunity to take a break from life stressors, eat good food, and spend time with each other without having to worry. At the co-op, we strive to provide that to our families year-round, so it’s such an honor to be able to partner with Connecticut Foodshare and provide our families in Connecticut with that same Ann B. Clark Co-op warmth and vibe!”
Check out how you can place an order with the Ann B. Clark Co-op today!
How to help this Thanksgiving season
Interested in learning more about Thanksgiving for All? Here are the essentials you’ll need to know:
- The drive will take place on Tuesday, November 7, from 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- The collection spot will be in front of the Ann B. Clark Co-op at 167 Riverside Drive, East Hartford.
- To participate, drive up to the collection spot and give your donations to our volunteers.
- For all other questions or additional information, contact Isamar Rodriguez at 860-913-2185 or irodriguez@goodwin.edu
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Bri Gagné is a marketing content writer at Goodwin University, bringing backgrounds in literary studies, creative storytelling, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and social justice. They earned their bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Film Studies from University of Connecticut and a master’s in education from Eastern Connecticut State University.
After teaching English abroad and locally, Bri transitioned to a full-time writing career, contributing to the University’s educational narratives and brand-building efforts. They plan to begin their Master of Fine Arts in creative writing in 2025.