goodwin university graduation photo ops

Where to Take the Best Commencement Photos on the Goodwin University Campus

Congratulations on your upcoming commencement! You should be proud of all of your hard work and accomplishments! Sharing your moment with loved ones across your social media channels is something you’ve earned! Believe it or not, we’ve grown with you! … Continue reading Where to Take the Best Commencement Photos on the Goodwin University Campus

2023 Goodwin University Commencement

Civil rights and service to the community, themes at Goodwin Commencement

Honorary degree recipients and student speakers share passions for improving lives of others Guest speakers and student representatives are expected to follow common themes as they address the graduates, trustees, faculty, staff, families, and friends at Goodwin University’s 2023 Commencement … Continue reading Civil rights and service to the community, themes at Goodwin Commencement

goodwin university medical clinic experience

Discovering the Power of Compassion: Goodwin Nursing Students, Past and Present, Reflect on Appalachia Mission Trip

Imagine for a moment that you lived somewhere remote. Your small town is surrounded by mountains — the nearest major hospital is hours away, and the only jobs that exist are retail jobs that pay little and offer few, if … Continue reading Discovering the Power of Compassion: Goodwin Nursing Students, Past and Present, Reflect on Appalachia Mission Trip

leadership team at Connecticut river academy and riverside magnet school

Goodwin University Magnet School System Fills Key Leadership Roles

Goodwin University and LEARN, a regional educational service center based in Old Lyme, Connecticut, have announced the appointment of Sarah Burke of Manchester as Assistant Superintendent of Special Education, Jessica Gomez-Bedosky of Woodbury as Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, … Continue reading Goodwin University Magnet School System Fills Key Leadership Roles