An organization is a complex, living structure. Made up of people who have individual jobs, and work towards the same mission, organizations can be of infinite shapes or sizes. However, they all have one thing in common: every organization needs to have good leadership at its helm.

People with a Master’s in Organizational Development are well-poised to take on that role. They complete training programs like Goodwin College’s Master’s in Organizational Leadership (MSOL), and apply their newly honed skills in leadership to the job. Programs like this also teach students how to influence organizational change, analyze organizational psychology, and fuel development in their business. Pursuing a degree in Organizational Development is a particularly great choice for people who are driven to make a positive impact – those who are challenge-seekers and are eager to advance. It could even be the right way for you to launch into the next phase of your professional life!

What is it about a Master’s in Organizational Development that prepares a person to lead an entire organization? Well, leaders are strong change-makers, and “change” is, in fact, another word for “development.” Change can be a truly critical turning point for businesses— the point at which they are their most vulnerable. Change can be uncomfortable, as much in business as it is within our personal lives. Previous habits and sequences are hard to break, both for employees and organizations alike. Change requires commitment, implementation, and a plan for sustainability. This is why organizations need individuals who are trained on big-picture thinking and leadership, and why earning a Master’s in Organizational Development and Leadership could be so beneficial – even essential: The Global Journal of Management and Business Research explains that, without appropriate leadership in an organization, positive change is not possible at all.

Top sources agree that trust in leadership is an incredibly important facet of a successful business. The consequences of distrust in business have far-reaching economic, social, political, and cultural consequences. As author of “The Speed of Trust,” Stephen M.R. Covey, posits, the lack of trust actually adds a hidden “tax” to every transaction that an organization or business conducts. If one is able to translate trust to a numeric dividend, as studies show, we find that “high trust” companies outperform “low trust” companies by nearly 300 percent.

Gaining employee trust is one of the first steps in successful leadership. How can a leader motivate a team towards a goal without trust? Without respect, and power of influence over the values, behavior, and beliefs of others, we would have a very ineffective leader. Earning trust requires a combination of perceived competence, combined with character. Good leaders should be role models for their employees, and demonstrate respect in order to receive it in return.

Organizational leaders are the individuals who may identify the need to change, and who engage and orchestrate the factors of change – and the power of people – in order to help organizations develop. This includes goal setting and progress management, as well as the ability to interpret and communicate results. People with a Master’s in Organizational Development learn these leadership skills from their graduate program:

  • Collaborative problem-solving
  • Performance management
  • Foundations of managing projects
  • Quality data-gathering and analysis
  • Critical thinking and decision-making skills
  • Inspirational leadership
  • Performance management

Learning these skills will help any potential leader become the best version of themselves, and allow them to foster the changes that organizations want to see. Enhancing your professional portfolio with a Master’s in Organizational Development & Leadership could be the move that helps you earn a top-notch spot on your business’ leadership team!

Get in touch with Goodwin College today for more information on our MSOL program in Connecticut.