is it too late to go to graduate school

Is It Too Late to Get My Master’s Degree?

If you’re stuck debating, “Is it too late to get a master’s degree?” or “Is it too late to go to grad school?” you are certainly not alone.

With their bachelor’s degree days often feeling long behind them, countless adults wonder whether too much time has passed for them to achieve a graduate degree. However, they also recognize the benefits of grad school, such as advancing their career, changing fields, or increasing their earning potential. These remain strong motives for pursuing a master’s degree.

Let’s explore why going to graduate school later in life may be the perfect choice for your future.

What’s the average age of a graduate student?

For those who entered their respective fields immediately after earning an undergraduate degree, going back to school for a master’s can feel intimidating. It might seem as though most graduate students are fresh out of college and into a grad program. However, with the average age of the American grad student resting at 33 years old, this assumption is far from the truth.

At Goodwin University, across our certificate, undergraduate, and graduate programs, the average student is 29 years old. This statistic reflects our diverse student body, composed of individuals from various stages of life and career paths who bring unique perspectives to the classroom — supporting collaboration in a multigenerational, inclusive, and encouraging learning environment.

Is it too late to get a master’s degree? No, it’s the perfect time.

Advance your future with higher education

No matter your age, a strong motivation for earning your master’s degree is the opportunity to advance or change your career. Returning to graduate school can provide you with the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to achieve those goals.

Beyond helping you strive toward your ambitions, a graduate degree reduces your likelihood of unemployment and increases your lifetime earning potential. According to a study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, individuals with a master’s degree earn approximately 20% more than those with only a bachelor’s degree. This boost in compensation is a compelling reason to consider returning to school, regardless of your age.

Balance your responsibilities with flexible scheduling

Perhaps you don’t feel too far removed from your undergraduate days. For many considering returning to grad school, lapsed time isn’t the most significant deterrent — it’s anxiety over incurring additional responsibilities amidst an already busy schedule. With individuals 30 years and older often juggling many personal and professional duties (like family and a career), it can feel that higher education no longer fits into the equation.

But the good news? In the years since the COVID-19 pandemic, higher education has become more accessible than ever — especially at Goodwin. From healthcare and education to public health and professional leadership, we offer flexible scheduling tailored to adult learners. These may include part-time programs, evening classes, and online, hybrid, or accelerated courses. This flexibility eases the burden of the dreaded balancing act — making graduate studies manageable for even the busiest students.


At Goodwin University, we believe you deserve more flexibility from your grad school. Learn more about flexible programming at Goodwin today!


The benefits of returning to graduate school

Defined goals and diverse perspectives

While your time spent out of school may cause you to feel out of touch with today’s classrooms, this can actually work to your advantage. Believe it or not, your years spent as a working professional have likely led to a clearer understanding of your professional goals and values. Returning to school later in life often means you have a more defined career path. You have likely gained valuable work experience and have a clearer vision of where you want to go professionally. This clarity can make your graduate studies more focused and purposeful.

Furthermore, these experiences add value to any learning environment. As an older student, you possess a wealth of professional experience and a unique perspective. Beyond benefiting you as a learner, these experiences can be valuable assets when networking with peers, professors, and industry professionals. With graduate school offering numerous opportunities to expand your professional network, your background can prove beneficial for career advancement.

A sense of personal and professional fulfillment

Pursuing your master’s degree is not just a matter of career advancement; it can also be a profoundly fulfilling achievement. The sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a rigorous academic program can be rewarding and self-assuring. It also sets a positive example for your family and peers, showing by example that it’s never too late to chase a dream.

Goodwin University’s support for adult learners

At Goodwin University, we start with you. With diversity and inclusion at the heart of all we do, we are committed to supporting adult learners from all walks of life. Our faculty members are experienced professionals who understand the challenges of balancing education with other responsibilities. They are dedicated to providing a supportive, accessible, and engaging learning environment where all students can thrive.

At Goodwin, it’s never too late to get a master’s degree. Our career-focused programs accommodate learners of all ages, with flexible scheduling options available. Moreover, we provide the support necessary to thrive as you balance your personal and professional responsibilities with your studies — offering the student-centered support services you deserve, including academic advising, career services, financial aid, and more!

Requirements for master’s programs at Goodwin University

Considering applying to a master’s program at Goodwin University? Before getting started, it’s helpful to get a snapshot of what the next steps will look like. While specific requirements may vary by program, some general criteria include:

  • A completed application form
  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Official transcripts from all previous institutions attended
  • Letters of recommendation
  • A personal statement or essay
  • A resumé or CV

For detailed information on the requirements for specific programs, you can contact Goodwin University’s Office of Admissions.

Begin your Goodwin journey today

Whether you’re looking to advance your current career, switch to a new field, or increase your sense of fulfillment, pursuing a master’s degree can be a transformative experience. Whatever your motivation, Goodwin is ready to make your degree journey accessible — offering flexible learning options, student-centered support, and a diverse and welcoming University community.


At Goodwin University, we start with you. If you’re ready to take the next step in your educational journey, explore our master’s programs and see how we can help you achieve your goals.