mph requirements in connecticut

How to Get into an MPH Program

For many professionals across all industries, the thought of earning an advanced degree can seem daunting and, often times, unattainable. Between working full- (or even part-) time, and handling all of life’s other competing priorities, a master’s program might feel like it is not in the cards for you, based on your schedule. On top of that, you may be questioning whether you would even be able to get into a master’s program with the laundry list of admission requirements that many colleges need. The truth is, there are many flexible, manageable, and attainable programs out there, too – such as Goodwin College. If you are seeking your Master’s in Public Health (MPH), put your concerns and doubt aside. Learn how to get into an MPH program that can actually fit into your schedule.

Before we get into Goodwin’s specific MPH requirements specifically, let’s first take a look at what makes our MPH program unique and achievable for busy, working adults. Goodwin’s MPH degree is offered completely online, which makes the flexibility of completing coursework ideal with your already demanding schedule. Courses are offered in an accelerated 7 ½ week, online format, and can be completed in less than a year and a half full-time.

The online format makes it easier to concentrate on courses and assignments in the comforts of your own home or study environment. There are also networking benefits involved with an online MPH program. Goodwin’s online learning system allows students who most likely are also already public health professionals to work together and discuss coursework topics and their own relevant experiences in the field. The online forum gives students the confidence and platform to share their opinions, experiences and ideas with their peers so everyone can learn from each other, improve their own skills and knowledge set and make connections in the field that could last a lifetime.

Now that you have more insight into the program format, let’s take a deeper look at how to get into an MPH program at Goodwin College. While MPH requirements may vary by school, Goodwin’s MPH requirements are straightforward for prospective students. For example, Goodwin does not require GRE scores or other advanced test scores for admittance. We understand that the measure of a student’s aptitude is not based on one test score, but rather a culmination of previous experience and education.

In regards to education, Goodwin typically requires MPH candidates to have received a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. We also require applicants to have a cumulative minimum GPA of 3.0. However, as with most things in life, there are always exceptions to this rule. Under unique circumstances, Goodwin does provide conditional program admittance to students with relevant life and professional experience. In order to be conditionally admitted, students must submit an essay to the program director detailing out why they believe they would be successful in the MPH program based on their experience.

Beyond submitting transcripts verifying the receipt of a bachelor’s degree, all of Goodwin’s master’s degree applicants are required to complete a graduate application, submit a professional resume, and provide proof of immunizations. An application fee is waived for previous Goodwin College graduates; however, new students will also be required to submit a $50 application fee. In addition to Goodwin’s general graduate requirements, all MPH program applicants must also submit two letters of recommendation which showcase the students’ leadership qualities and competency to complete a master’s program. Applicants must also provide Goodwin with a personal statement describing their desire to pursue the Goodwin MPH degree.

Still have questions about how to get into an MPH program at Goodwin College, or what our specific MPH requirements entail? Reach out to a Goodwin College’s admissions advisor to learn more about the process and how an MPH program can fit into your busy schedule. Call 800.889.3282 or visit us online to learn more.