connecticut msn nursing school

How to Get into an MSN Nursing School

Are you a registered RN looking to obtain your Masters in Nursing Degree from an accredited MSN nursing school? While pursuing higher education can be competitive, it is achievable if you have the right experience and have completed the specified prerequisites for the program. Goodwin College’s accredited MSN nursing school in CT offers a simple, convenient and straightforward admissions process for applicants. Here is everything you need to know to be admitted.

Goodwin College, unlike many other MSN nursing schools, does not require GRE scores for admission. However, all applicants are required to hold a bachelor’s degree. Students also need to have successfully completed a higher-level research course, and a college-level statistics course with a ‘C’ grade point average or higher.

In addition to the academic prerequisites, MSN students must be fully licensed RNs prior to entering the program, and applicants are required to provide Goodwin with their unencumbered RN license. Prior to entering the MSN program, students need two years of experience in the field. If students do not have two years, they will need to obtain a waiver from the MSN faculty admissions committee.

The application process for Goodwin’s MSN nursing school is convenient and stress-free. The first step in this process is the application itself. Applicants must complete an online graduate application for admission along with a non-refundable $50 application fee. If you are a Goodwin college graduate, this application fee is waived.

Once the application is submitted, applicants are required to verify their successful completion of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution by submitting an official transcript to the admissions office. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to be considered for admission. If students have less than a 3.0 GPA, students may be eligible to take two classes in the MSN nursing school program as a non-matriculated student. Applicants must also submit proof they are up to date on their personal immunizations including: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella.

Lastly, applicants are required to provide admissions with a professional resume outlining all relevant work, educational and volunteer experience. In addition, MSN nursing school applicants must create a personal statement outlining their nursing career goals. This needs to be a formal 800-1,000-word statement, describing your objective for entering an MSN program and your nursing career aspirations.

Financial Aid:
Similar to the admissions process, the financial aid opportunities are convenient and flexible so that you can easily obtain your MSN degree without stressing about finances. At Goodwin, we have a team of dedicated financial advisors that will work with you to identify grants, scholarships and student loans opportunities to help ease the cost of tuition. Our financial advisors work with our students to build a custom financial aid package that works for them. If you are a Goodwin College graduate, you will receive reduced tuition.

The steps to become an MSN student are straightforward and hassle-free.

If you are considering applying to Goodwin’s MSN nursing school or want to learn more about the program and the application process please call 800-889-3282 or request more information!