magnet school programs in CT

Riverside Magnet School: “A more interactive school than most.”

An Riverside Magnet School parent and East Hartford resident, wanted her daughter to start school in a supportive environment that would allow for both creativity and expression. She noticed the construction when the Riverside Magnet School was being built and … Continue reading Riverside Magnet School: “A more interactive school than most.”

Officials Celebrate “Magic Moment” in Manufacturing Education at Goodwin College

State and local officials including Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Rep. John Larson, Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman, and East Hartford Mayor Marcia Leclerc, manufacturing industry professionals, local business owners, and educational leaders came together on August 25 to celebrate the dedication of Goodwin College’s new Business and Manufacturing Center. Continue reading Officials Celebrate “Magic Moment” in Manufacturing Education at Goodwin College

manufacturing degrees in ct

Yesenia Otero: “Women are capable of having physical jobs, too; they’re not just for men.”

Yesenia Otero enrolled in Goodwin College’s bachelor’s Manufacturing Management Degree program because she enjoys working with her hands and believes that this field will offer her career stability. Continue reading Yesenia Otero: “Women are capable of having physical jobs, too; they’re not just for men.”

reggio magnet school in Hartford county

Riverside Magnet School: “There has been a lot of buzz about the school.”

A Riverside Magnet School mother sought out the Riverside Magnet School at Goodwin College for her son based on its reputation.“I’ve heard a lot of positive feedback through word-of-mouth,” she noted. “There has been a lot of buzz about the school.” Continue reading Riverside Magnet School: “There has been a lot of buzz about the school.”

Goodwin Posts Personal Best At Dragon Boat Races

On Saturday, August 15, the Goodwin Navigators competed in the Dragon Boat races, part of Hartford’s annual Riverfront Recapture Asian Festival. Competing in the Community Class against 65 other squads from throughout the Greater Hartford area, the Navs finished the day medaling, with an outstanding time; the fastest heat the team has recorded since entering their first competition in 2013. Continue reading Goodwin Posts Personal Best At Dragon Boat Races

Amanda Sullivan: Manufacturing – “It’s a lot more fun than people would expect.”

Amanda Sullivan, 23, works in Torrington, Connecticut, as an operator at FuelCell Energy, “a global leader in providing ultra-clean baseload distributed generation to utilities, industrial operators, universities, municipal water treatment facilities, government installations, and other customers globally.” Sullivan lives in … Continue reading Amanda Sullivan: Manufacturing – “It’s a lot more fun than people would expect.”