naturalization ceremony in ct

The Hope, the Joy, the Happiness: Student Marthe Kingsley Captures the Spirit of Citizenship in Poetry

On December 12, 2018, Goodwin College was proud to host a naturalization ceremony at which individuals from 22 counties were welcomed as new American citizens. One of the highlights of the event was “America,” a poem written and performed by … Continue reading The Hope, the Joy, the Happiness: Student Marthe Kingsley Captures the Spirit of Citizenship in Poetry

nursing student rotations in connecticut

Making a Difference in the Community: A Goodwin Nursing Student’s Perspective

By David Dillon, AS Nursing program student As part of Nursing 210, Goodwin College nursing students have the opportunity to fulfill their pediatric rotation in the Hartford School System. “The students spend each week at one of the Hartford Public … Continue reading Making a Difference in the Community: A Goodwin Nursing Student’s Perspective

reggio emilia approach benefits

The Emerging Reggio Emilia Philosophy & What it Can Mean for Children

Every child is different and has their own unique experiences, preferences, challenges, and personality traits. That is why certain learning philosophies and classroom environments tend to have a deeper impact for certain children. As a parent, you want to ensure … Continue reading The Emerging Reggio Emilia Philosophy & What it Can Mean for Children