absn nursing program connecticut

Goodwin University’s ABSN Student Elizabeth Bell Practices the Art of Nursing and Paints Her Professional Future

Elizabeth Bell's favorite color is green, in any shade. She loves mac and cheese from scratch, working out, feel-good comedy flicks, and superhero cinema. If Elizabeth had one superpower, it would be to slow time so that she could get … Continue reading Goodwin University’s ABSN Student Elizabeth Bell Practices the Art of Nursing and Paints Her Professional Future

apprenticeship grant connecticut

Goodwin University, Partner Organizations Receive U.S. Department of Labor’s “Apprenticeships: Closing the Skills Gap” Grant

On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, Goodwin University received notification of the award of a U.S. Department of Labor “Apprenticeships: Closing the Skills Gap” grant in the amount of $2,000,000. Through this grant program, 28 public-private apprenticeship partnerships throughout the country … Continue reading Goodwin University, Partner Organizations Receive U.S. Department of Labor’s “Apprenticeships: Closing the Skills Gap” Grant

poetry on the streets hartford ct

CTRA Students Add Their Voices to “Poetry on the Streets”

Melanie Pappadis Faranello first started Poetry on the Streets (POTS), “an interactive exhibit designed to engage pedestrians in writing spontaneous poetry,” at the Greater Hartford Art Council’s “Art on the Streets” festival. Public response to the innovative exhibition was so … Continue reading CTRA Students Add Their Voices to “Poetry on the Streets”