design thinking cycle UDL

Reimagining a Business Course Through a Cycle of Design Thinking

Reimagining a Business Course Through a Cycle of Design Thinking by Matt Connell Program Director, Business Administration with Diana LaRocco Dean, School of Applied Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Director, Goodwin University Institute for Learning Innovation Sitting through my students’ final presentations for Business … Continue reading Reimagining a Business Course Through a Cycle of Design Thinking

how to use technology to engage students

Using Technology to Teach and Course Adjustment to Capture Student Attention

Using Technology to Teach and Course Adjustment to Capture Student Attention By Annjanette Bennar, Director of Mathematics, Computer Literacy and Communications and Assistant Professor At Goodwin University, I teach an introductory computer applications class covering computer hardware and software, Microsoft … Continue reading Using Technology to Teach and Course Adjustment to Capture Student Attention

goodwin university nursing student testimonial

Carmelot’s Story: Accomplishing Nursing Career Ambitions and Achieving his American Dream

Carmelot’s Story: Accomplishing Nursing Career Ambitions and Achieving his American Dream   Carmelot Eliassaint loves Caribbean food and the color blue, and relaxes by listening to gospel music and reading. As someone who always enjoys helping people, his favorite quote is, … Continue reading Carmelot’s Story: Accomplishing Nursing Career Ambitions and Achieving his American Dream