difference between human services vs human resources

Human Services vs. Human Resources: What is the Difference Between These Career Paths?

Professionals and students alike think human services and human resources are interchangeable, as they sound so similar. While both career fields involve interacting with people and require excellent communication and interpersonal skills, there are several critical differences between human services … Continue reading Human Services vs. Human Resources: What is the Difference Between These Career Paths?

different types of masters degrees in education

What is a Different Master’s Degree in Education That You Can Pursue?

Whether you’re interested in the different master’s degrees in Education available, or searching for professional insights about different careers after graduation, it is important for you to know: Nationwide, schools need educational leaders, now more than ever before. No matter … Continue reading What is a Different Master’s Degree in Education That You Can Pursue?

what is the difference between criminology and criminal justice

Criminal Justice vs. Criminology vs. Criminalistics: What’s the Difference?

The criminal justice system is one of the most important entities in the United States. It is dedicated to protecting the public, preventing crime, and rehabilitating offenders of the law. The criminal justice system is made up of millions of … Continue reading Criminal Justice vs. Criminology vs. Criminalistics: What’s the Difference?

stories of overcoming domestic violence

Surviving and Thriving: A Goodwin Alumna Shares Her Story of Overcoming Domestic Violence and Finding a Career in Human Services

“It can happen to anyone.” -Marlene Harris Over 10 million adults experience domestic violence each year in the United States (Source). In 1999, Marlene Harris was one of those people. Today, Marlene considers herself a survivor and a thriver, but … Continue reading Surviving and Thriving: A Goodwin Alumna Shares Her Story of Overcoming Domestic Violence and Finding a Career in Human Services

private investigator vs detective

Criminal Investigator vs. Detective: What is the Difference?

Detectives and investigators are essential to solving crime. On a daily basis, these professionals work to gather evidence and collect the facts around committed crimes. They may interview suspects and victims, observe suspicious activity, examine criminal records, and detail their … Continue reading Criminal Investigator vs. Detective: What is the Difference?