general studies degree program in Connecticut

What is a General Studies Degree and Is It Right for You?

An overwhelming number of Americans—94 percent in 2024—believe that pursuing a college degree is extremely valuable in securing a good career. A college degree can lead to higher earnings, more job prospects, and career development opportunities long-term. However, it’s not … Continue reading What is a General Studies Degree and Is It Right for You?

Why medical coding is important

Why is Medical Coding Important? 5 Benefits of Medical Coding on the Greater Healthcare System

Fact: about 15,000 medical coder positions open every year. That’s a lot of opportunity. With the healthcare system continuously expanding, now is the time to seize your potential in a broadening and important field. Plus, there’s a lot of room … Continue reading Why is Medical Coding Important? 5 Benefits of Medical Coding on the Greater Healthcare System

strategies to resolve conflict in an organization

5 Conflict Resolution Strategies for Leaders: Navigating Challenges with Confidence

In any organization, conflicts are inevitable. Whether it’s a disagreement over resources, differences in work styles, or clashing personalities, problems in the workplace can significantly impact team dynamics, morale, and overall performance. While it can be easy to sweep these … Continue reading 5 Conflict Resolution Strategies for Leaders: Navigating Challenges with Confidence

Championing Diversity in Academia: Goodwin Faculty Member Honored with North Star Collective Fellowship.

Goodwin University is pleased to announce the induction of an esteemed faculty member into the North Star Collective Fellowship — Dr. Ebenezer Afarikumah of Goodwin University. The North Star Collective (NSC) is a group of colleges and universities in the … Continue reading Championing Diversity in Academia: Goodwin Faculty Member Honored with North Star Collective Fellowship.

social and emotional learning strategies for teachers

Enhance Your Instruction with SEL: Benefits and Best Practices for Diverse School Communities

Amidst an ongoing mental health crisis and a rapidly evolving educational landscape, integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) into the classroom has become more critical than ever. Social and emotional learning is the process of students acquiring and applying the … Continue reading Enhance Your Instruction with SEL: Benefits and Best Practices for Diverse School Communities