how long to become a nurse practitioner

How Long Does it Take to Get Your MSN and Become a Nurse Practitioner (after a BSN)?

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are some of the most highly educated nurses who provide patients with primary care and other important, high-level medical services. While NPs have similar duties to registered nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners have the medical authority to diagnose … Continue reading How Long Does it Take to Get Your MSN and Become a Nurse Practitioner (after a BSN)?

difference between mortician and undertaker

Mortician vs. Undertaker vs. Funeral Director: What’s the Difference?

The professionals involved in end-of-life arrangements play an important role at one of the most challenging times in a person’s life. Funeral directors, morticians, and undertakers share knowledge about funeral services and have the specialized skills and experience to guide … Continue reading Mortician vs. Undertaker vs. Funeral Director: What’s the Difference?

certified medical assistant salary

Top Reasons to Become a Certified Medical Assistant

In any profession, certification signifies a high-quality hire. Certifications are awarded by reputable, third-party organizations—across a variety of industries—to professionals who meet certain qualifications and standards of excellence in their fields. In medical assisting, there are different types of certifications … Continue reading Top Reasons to Become a Certified Medical Assistant

CT Health Horizons grant recipient

CT Health Horizons Grant to Goodwin University Creates New Access to Careers in Nursing

Greater number of underrepresented students will cross the graduation stage and step into a waiting workforce The CT Health Horizons initiative is making an impact on the critical statewide workforce shortage by allocating $30.5 million to partner colleges and universities … Continue reading CT Health Horizons Grant to Goodwin University Creates New Access to Careers in Nursing