advanced manufacturing training center in connecticut

Goodwin University Celebrates the opening of a “Manufacturing Epicenter” on University of Bridgeport Campus

Goodwin University hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wednesday, October 25, for the opening of the Harrison Steans Advanced Manufacturing Center, which recently opened on University of Bridgeport’s campus. The event drew a crowd from both universities, along with local and … Continue reading Goodwin University Celebrates the opening of a “Manufacturing Epicenter” on University of Bridgeport Campus

Goodwin University Saves Students Nearly $500K in Textbook Costs with Open Educational Resources

EAST HARTFORD, Conn. – Putting a promise into practice, Goodwin University made higher education more affordable for its students in 2022 by saving them almost $500,000 using Open Educational Resources (OER). The school started using OER in 2017 with the … Continue reading Goodwin University Saves Students Nearly $500K in Textbook Costs with Open Educational Resources

how to become a certified addiction counselor in connecticut

How to Become a Certified Addiction Counselor in Connecticut

Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder that affects millions of people in the United States. This condition is characterized by compulsive behaviors and an unhealthy, persistent relationship between a person and object or activity. Common addictions include drug addiction, alcohol … Continue reading How to Become a Certified Addiction Counselor in Connecticut