What’s the Difference Between a Human Services Degree and a Health Care Degree?

Human Services vs. Healthcare: Which Career Field is Right for You?

In the modern age, students interested and passionate about making a difference in the lives of others often consider majoring in human services or healthcare. A career in human services allows you to serve others through various community programs and … Continue reading Human Services vs. Healthcare: Which Career Field is Right for You?

what do pediatric nurses do

A Guide to Pediatric Nursing: What You Need to Know to Become a Pediatric Nurse

Pediatric nurses are cornerstone figures in many children’s health development as they work with patients who have not reached adulthood and their families. From newborns to teenagers, pediatric nurses provide medical care to ensure children of all ages grow into … Continue reading A Guide to Pediatric Nursing: What You Need to Know to Become a Pediatric Nurse

goodwin university medical clinic experience

Discovering the Power of Compassion: Goodwin Nursing Students, Past and Present, Reflect on Appalachia Mission Trip

Imagine for a moment that you lived somewhere remote. Your small town is surrounded by mountains — the nearest major hospital is hours away, and the only jobs that exist are retail jobs that pay little and offer few, if … Continue reading Discovering the Power of Compassion: Goodwin Nursing Students, Past and Present, Reflect on Appalachia Mission Trip