nursing and public health master’s degree online

Nursing and Public Health: How They Are Connected, and How Nurses Can Make an Impact Today

When you hear “Public Health,” you might think of policy work, or official personnel and NGO professionals coming together to make decisions about their jurisdictions. While this is definitely part of the greater picture, it is only about half – … Continue reading Nursing and Public Health: How They Are Connected, and How Nurses Can Make an Impact Today

Goodwin University msn program testimonial

Goodwin’s MSN Program: Breaking through Barriers for a Healthier Understanding

Formerly a Licensed Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse, Julia Pinto found herself stagnant in her nursing career. As a self-described “life-long learner,” Julia reached for more and navigated her way back to Goodwin University. “I chose Goodwin because historically the … Continue reading Goodwin’s MSN Program: Breaking through Barriers for a Healthier Understanding